Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Hello, I am Blagstoise, and this is my blag.

I am currently on a quest to capture all 493 Pokemon, and more, should more arrive.

I plan on getting "All" of the Pokemon for each Generation, so I'm starting with Pokemon Red. It would be Blue, but I can't find my copy. I plan on catching all original 151, either through wild catches or leveling up. Once I complete my Pokedex, I will send them all to my profile on Silver, where I will catch and level the next 100 Pokemon, and pass them forward, and so on. I understand that it probably won't "count" as owning them if I just send the evolved forms forward a generation, but I'm determined enough to send up more of the non-evolved, just so that it will count as owning all of them in each Generation. It is a daunting and pointless task, I know, but the sense of accomplishment I will feel when I reach that point will be unmeasurable.

I currently have about 33 different Pokemon on Red so far, and may begin making a list of what I need when I narrow it down to about 50 or so. I will update occasionally, and if you have any comments or whatever, feel free to email me at!

Adieu [Blagstoise]

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